
Translating a restaurant menu is not easy.
If you think you can just use Google Translator or ask some friend that has studied a language during 6 months to help you with the translation…this is what happens!


Cooked lions: I know we eat strange things in Spain, but cooked lions?

This is only a typical stew from León (the city, not the animal).

Peppers with beautiful: my imagination is going crazy with this one…a nice girl inside a pepper, like in a birthday cake. It would have to be a giant pepper, I know. But these are in fact peppers stuffed with Cantabrian albacore, pimientos con bonito.


Rotated smokey: I think the “smokey” one was who wrote this.

It is only a selection of smoked canapés, in Spanish, a rueda de ahumados.

Please, next time, choose a professional translator. Your restaurant will do much better, and your clients will know what they are really eating.